The prestigious Dale Carnegie Course Highest Award for Achievement is awarded based on peer-voting. Peers elect the individual who best exemplifies the standards, qualities and consistent practice of the Human Relations Principles on which the program is based.

Meet Hang Wai, Dale Carnegie Course Highest Award for Achievement Winner (Jan ‘18):-

Hang Wai is an Engineering Section Manager with an MNC in the Technology Manufacturing sector. He leads a team of ~20 engineers, engineer assistants and supervisors, and works closely with other departments (e.g. Quality Assurance, Equipment, Engineering, etc.) to ensure a smooth manufacturing process. In his Dale Carnegie Course journey – Hang Wai inspired and impressed his fellow course-mates with his authentic & diligent applications of what he learnt, week after week. Hang Wai is also happily married with 3 kids.


Congratulations on being voted Highest Award for Achievement Winner by your fellow participants! It is a testament to your authenticity and diligence in improving your relational skills. How do you feel about winning this award?

 I feel honored and proud to be voted for this award by my course mates. The commitment to complete the 12-weeks course was worth the sacrifice. The skills that I learn from this course is useful for a lifetime. I am also humbled as I too learnt a lot from my fellow course mates when they gave their reports on how they used the principles taught in the class.


What was your initial vision when you started the program?

My initial vision was to see myself as a manager with improved skills to manage and motivate my team, and to work closely with other departments.


What progress did you make towards your desired breakthroughs?

The first set of Human Relations Principles was very impactful and useful. The ability to build trust and an even better relationship with my team and colleagues using the Human Relations Principles was the most important thing that I learnt.

My breakthrough was when I was able to use these principles to set the right path and get the team to work together.

I work with many different departments and each department has different goals. Sometimes their goals and my department’s goals are in conflict. By learning to look at things from my colleagues’ point of view, it has helped avoid unnecessary conflicts (esp. when people get defensive). Effective communication is very important.

I also built trust with my colleagues so that I can effectively help resolve issues resulting from conflicts.


What are some challenges that you encountered along the way?

The assigned ‘homework” during each week is challenging. I must intentionally apply it to see the results. Sometimes I find it tough to apply because of my own apprehension.

But I kept a “try and learn”-attitude, and when I tried, it turned out well! I then overcome my apprehension and could see results – sometimes the results are small, but I could see progress.

Continually working on applying the principles is very important. I get encouraged by small improvements.


What helped you make progress towards achieving your breakthroughs?

My course mates inspired me, their weekly reports on how they use the principles were helpful. I learnt a lot from them.

I also journal-ed the application of the principles at work. This helped me see what worked and what to work on. The journal helps me in making continuous improvement and are reminders for me.


What advice would you give someone that aspires to improve their relationships at work and at home?

Once you learn the skills (Human Relations Principles), you must apply it. Keep doing it, be practical, use the skill daily and it will be very effective!

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