4 Ways to Engage and Retain Employees

Key Insights

  • Learn How Today’s Employees’ Values and Priorities Have Shifted
  • Explore the Drivers of Employee Engagement. Understand What Employees Need to Feel Engaged.
  • See How Workplace Flexibility Impacts Engagement and How Organizations Can Build Systems to Support Engagement
  • Get Practical Insights on How to Lead, Engage, & Retain Empowered Workforce


Dale Carnegie’s latest 2022 Employee Engagement research study identified insights into specifically what makes an engaged employee in a hybrid workspace, and how the various stakeholders within an organization can contribute to driving employee engagement.

From enterprise strategies with senior leaders to the relationships that matter the most to employees, the employee engagement infographic below and our new employee engagement white paper provides the outline to engage today’s empowered workforce.

Employee engagement infographic

For more information on employee engagement solutions, please explore our custom talent development solutions.

4 Ways to Engage and Retain Employees

Managing and Retaining Them in a Hybrid Workplace

In 2021, Engage Employees Declined in the US for the First Time in a Decade.

Percentage of Employees Likely to  Prioritize Well-Being Over Work then Before the Pandemic.

C-Suite Underestimates Employees Struggle with Mental Health.

Environmental Factors:

  • Global Health crisis
  • Increase in remote work
  • Low unemployment
  • Lack of skilled labour
  • Rise in social responsibility

Empowered Employees required a flexible working model, benefits, and have a new expectations of their leaders. And they are willing to look elsewhere if their employer isn’t offering them.

How to Engage & Retain Your Empowered Workforce

Adopt human-centered policies sustaining a culture of transparency and emotional support.

Provide immediate managers with tools and support they need.

Leaders should support flexible work environment for maximum engagement.

Prioritize skill development. Employees need to feel they have the skills to do their job and a pathway to success.

These are 4 Ways to Engage and Retain Employees. 4 Ways to Engage and Retain Employees. In 2021, Engage Employees Declined in the US for the First Time in a Decade.

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