Fangtao Hou - Highest Achievement Award Interview

The prestigious Dale Carnegie Course Highest Award for Achievement is awarded based on peer-voting. Peers elect the individual who best exemplifies the standards, qualities and consistent practice of the Human Relations Principles on which the program is based.

Meet Fangtao Hou, Dale Carnegie Course Highest Award for Achievement Winner (May’23):
Dale Carnegie Singapore has interviewed Fangtao Hou, the Highest Achievement Award Winner for the Dale Carnegie Course. He is the Shift Lead of one of the leading pharmaceutical company globally.


How do you feel about winning this award?

I am honored to receive this award. I will continue to practice Dale Carnegie principles in my life.


Can you share with our followers a little about yourself and the work that you do?

I am a shift manager working in a biopharmaceutical company which manufactures medicine for the patients. 


Can you share with our followers what was your initial vision and desired breakthroughs when you started the 12-week program?

My initial vision was I’ll not be afraid of speaking in front of audience anymore. My desired breakthroughs was I will be enjoying giving speech, expressing myself freely and effectively.


What progress did you make towards your desired breakthroughs?

I kept practicing speaking in Dale Carnegie class, in my daily working environment. This helped enhance my confidence and experience.


What are some challenges that you encountered along the way?

Still sometimes I would lost my words for a short moment, but it’s ok, I overcame those period, and went on with my speech without worrying too much about the past.


What helped you make progress towards / achieve your breakthroughs? What is your renewed vision?

Of course Dale Carnegie’s course helped me make progress towards my breakthroughs. My renewed vision is able to deliver information firmly and clearly.


What were some of your biggest takeaways from the program?

1. Live in the day-tight compartments;
2. Smile to myself, smile to others;
3. Become genuinely interested in other people.


Many of our followers aspire to improve their relationships at work and personal lives. What advice would you give them?

 I still have much to learn. I think firstly it’s very helpful to recognize that human have certain behaviors, be it sense of importance, the tendency to complain etc.. Understanding them will help us to become a better communicator and learn how to stop worrying and start living!






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