Staying Flexible
Benefits of this Newsletter
Gain insights on how one of the global leaders in the field of measurement technology, WIKA Instrumentation, has overcame uncertainty and volatility throughout the years. Get advice from Steven Ong himself, Vice President of WIKA Instrumentation, on what has been working for them which you can consider to adapt to your organization. Be encouraged to not give up because good times will come back. We just have to see through these challenging times.
What you’ll learn with it
Learn from the steps WIKA Instrumentation took to overcome the challenges in the oil, gas and petrochemical sectors globally. Realize how volatile the global business environment can be and how important it is to have the right strategies in place.
Why you need it
Any business, big or small, no matter how new or how stable it is, will go through challenges over time. It is a reality to be accepted and faced with a battle plan. Take away some useful insights to consider for your organization.
What you’ll do with it
After reading this Newsletter, we hope you were enriched and found some insights applicable for you. Knowledge gained is helpful when applied and shared
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