Sales Management Guidebook
Benefits of this eBook
Accomplished sales leaders strive to ensure that the workplace is engaging. The relationship between managers and their team members is one of the primary indicators of employee engagement and team success. When managers take an active and supporting role in goal setting and in team members’ accountability, people on the team feel they can make a difference and are more engaged in achieving results.
What you’ll learn with it
You will be introduced to the 5 drivers of inspiring sales leadership, starting with an examination your own approach to human interaction. Learn new communication skills and discover effective methods for holding your team members accountable. Develop a clear plan for the sales process that defines performance goals, inspires employees, and ensures that your employees have adequate product knowledge and a keen understanding of the value of customer rapport. And that’s all before noon!
Why you need it
Most sales executives have the desire to improve their performance and to become more capable of handling job challenges. With effective coaching techniques, a strong sales manager can help the team develop skills that will enable them to achieve their sales goals while having the added benefit of developing trust with the team members. The sales manager is responsible not only for creating a trust-based and engaging work environment, but also laying out a play than produces consistently positive results.
What you’ll do with it
Perhaps the most valuable long-term benefit of this ebook is the new and insightful way you can begin to examine your own human interactions. Effective leaders realize the need to build trust, respect, and rapport. They genuinely want to understand what inspires different people on their teams and are skilled at motivating peak performance. These aren’t just business skills; these are life lessons!
You can download “Sales Management Guidebook” ebook on the link above.
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