Internal Conflict Resolution

Internal Conflict Resolution

Benefits of this eBook


The ability to interact with people is even more important today with the pressures of our complex and fast-paced work environments. The book presents ideas for analyzing conflict situations and resolution methods that foster cooperation. Discover how to interpret individual reactions to conflict, enabling them to understand and better manage emotions and needs.

Internal Conflict Resolution

What you’ll learn with it


First, a comprehensive Conflict Reaction profile enables you to analyze your current approach to handling conflicts so you can pinpoint improvement areas. An assortment of practical conflict resolution strategies is provided. Armed with alternative ways to assuage contentious situations, you’ll lead a more cohesive team.

Why you need it


Conflict in the workplace weakens morale, strains productivity, and burdens overall progress. Discord needs to be addressed head-on. When conflict becomes a major disruption or risk to relationships, it’s time to be the skillful peace-maker.

What you’ll do with it


This booklet provides practical strategies for solving conflicts and changing attitudes and behaviors to minimize conflicts altogether. You’ll analyze conflict situations to determine the most appropriate resolution, and use the provided template to create an action plan.

What you'll do with it   This booklet provides practical strategies for solving conflicts and changing attitudes and behaviors to minimize conflicts altogether. You’ll analyze conflict situations to determine the most appropriate resolution, and use the provided template to create an action plan.
Benefits of this eBook   The ability to interact with people is even more important today with the pressures of our complex and fast-paced work environments. The book presents ideas for analyzing conflict situations and resolution methods that foster cooperation. Discover how to interpret individual reactions to conflict, enabling them to understand and better manage emotions and needs.

You can download “Internal Conflict Resolution” ebook on the link above.

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