Visionary Leadership & Strategic Planning:
How to Inspire and Innovate in a Changing World

Visionary Leadership &
Strategic Planning:
How to Inspire and Innovate
in a Changing World

Visionary Leadership &
Strategic Planning:
How to Inspire and Innovate in a
Changing World

This course is intended for learners who want to improve their leadership abilities through the lens of strategic planning and visionary leadership. Learners will gain an understanding of the notion of vision leadership, as well as the complexities involved in creating business strategies that take both external and internal factors into account. They will also learn how to create high-level business unit strategies that are compliant with company governance and social responsibility regulations. The course will cover effective communication techniques, management leadership qualities, and self-reflection on leadership in strategic planning.

Why sign up for the program?

1) Develop your ability to craft a compelling vision
for your organization

2) Be equipped to engage employees effectively in
implementing strategies

3) Demonstrate ethical leadership to inspire trust from

4) Understand the need for systems & processes

5) Commit to continuous development to enhance

Who is the program suitable for?



Department Heads


Program coverage


What is Visionary Leadership & why is it relevant in today’s
business environment

How can leaders foster commitment & engage people in moving towards the vision

What is the role of processes & continual improvement in moving towards the vision

Duration: 28 hours (4 days)


E-learning (4 hours)

Classroom (23 hours)

Assessment (1 hour)

Day 1: What is Visionary Leadership & why is it
relevant in today’s business environment?

LU1: Overview of Vision Leadership

• Understand what is Vision Leadership
• Understand the need for Vision Leadership in today’s
rapidly changing business environment
• Characteristics of a leader

LU2: Report on Strategic Planning Research

• Understand approaches to research and planning
• Explore the impact of relevant professional or industry code, legal and ethical considerations on the company’s mission and strategy

LU3: Involve various stakeholders to develop organizational vision, mission, values

• Clarify organizational values with management, other
stakeholders to build alignment
• Be able to create organizational vision statements that
are motivating and compelling

Day 2: How can leaders foster commitment &
engagement people in moving towards the vision?

LU4: Implement the organization’s corporate governance & CSR Requirements

• Building Employee Engagement
• Understand the need for employee engagement in
implementing the organization’s corporate governance
• Develop employee engagement, not just compliance
through our communication processes

LU5: Inspire stakeholders with model leadership qualities

• Build Trust, Credibility & Respect
• Benefits of a trust-based environment & how leaders can
build trust and be a role model
• How ethical leadership by leaders can inspire stakeholders

Day 3: Role of systems & processes in achieving the

LU6: Continual improvement in strategic planning by reviewing systems and regular self-reflections

• Process Improvements
• Process improvement methods incorporating regular
reviews for improvements
• Understanding the Human Side of Process Improvements
• Be aware of ways to develop self & others in order for
continual improvements


• Written Assessment
• Written Report
• Case Study
• Reflection Journal
• Oral Presentation

Course Fee and Government Subsidies


Individual Sponsored 

Company Sponsored 




Before GST 

After GST 

Before GST 

After GST

Before GST 

After GST

Full Course Fee
(For Foreigners and those not eligible for subsidies)







For Singapore Citizens aged 39 years and below
and For all Singapore Permanent Residents
(The minimum age for individual sponsored trainees is 21 years)







For Singapore Citizens aged 40 years and above





